113 Cogs with 1.3k Commands
A cog for being afk and responding when idiots ping you.
Author(s): Unknown
Repo: [email protected]:MelonBot-Development/private-cogs.git
Command | Description |
::afk | Set yourself as AFK with an optional message. |
::afk block | Block of unblock users from triggering your ping list. |
::afk clear | [Admin/Mod] Reset member's AFK. |
::afk custom | Change the message sent when someone pings you while you're afk. |
::afk ignore | [Admin/Mod] Add or remove channels for your guild. |
::afk list | List users who are AFK and their duration. |
::afk list blocked | List your blocked users. |
Aliases: block
::afk list ignored | Lists the ignored channels for AFK. |
::afk reset | [Admin/Mod] Reset member's custom afk message. |
Play a random match of Acrononym game, with Modals!
Author(s): AAA3A
Command | Description |
::acronymgame | Play a random match of Acronym game. |
Aliases: acronym, acro
A collection of server administration utilities.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
::addrole | Add a role to a user. |
::announceset | Change how announcements are sent in this guild. |
::announceset channel | Change the channel where the bot will send announcements. |
::announceset clearchannel | Unsets the channel for announcements. |
::editrole | Edit role settings. |
::editrole colour | Edit a role's colour. |
::editrole name | Edit a role's name. |
::removerole | Remove a role from a user. |
::selfrole | Add or remove a selfrole from yourself. |
::selfrole list | Lists all available selfroles. |
::selfroleset | Manage selfroles. |
::selfroleset add | Add a role, or a selection of roles, to the list of available selfroles. |
::selfroleset clear | Clear the list of available selfroles for this server. |
::selfroleset remove | Remove a role, or a selection of roles, from the list of available selfroles. |
An advanced blacklist cog for more control over your blacklist
Author(s): Jojo#7791
Command | Description |
::localblacklist | Manage the local blacklist for your guild. |
Aliases: localblocklist
::localblacklist add | Add users to the local blacklist |
::localblacklist clear | Clear the local blacklist |
::localblacklist list | List the members and roles in the local blacklist. |
::localblacklist reason | Edit the reason for a member or role in the local blacklist. |
::localblacklist remove | Remove users from the local blacklist. |
::localwhitelist | Manage the local whitelist for your guild. |
Aliases: localallowlist
::localwhitelist add | Add members and roles to the local whitelist. |
::localwhitelist clear | Clear the local whitelist |
::localwhitelist list | List the locally whitelisted members/roles |
::localwhitelist reason | Edit the reason for a locally whitelisted member/role |
::localwhitelist remove | Remove members/roles from the local whitelist |
Adventure, derived from the Goblins Adventure cog by locastan.
Author(s): locastan, aikaterna, TrustyJAID, and Draper
Command | Description |
::adventure | This will send you on an adventure! |
::adventureset | Setup various adventure settings. |
::adventureset cart | [Admin] Add or remove a text channel that the Trader cart can appear in. |
::adventureset cartname | [Admin] Set the server's name of the cart. |
::adventureset cartroom | [Admin] Lock carts to a specific text channel. |
::adventureset carttime | [Admin] Set the cooldown of the cart. |
::adventureset economy | [Admin] Manages the adventure economy. |
::adventureset economy maxwithdraw | [Admin] Set how much players are allowed to withdraw. |
::adventureset economy withdraw | [Admin] Toggle whether users are allowed to withdraw from adventure currency to main currency. |
::adventureset embeds | [Admin] Set whether or not to use embeds for the adventure game. |
Aliases: embed
::adventureset god | [Admin] Set the server's name of the god. |
::adventureset locks | [Admin] Reset Adventure locks. |
::adventureset locks adventure | [Admin] Reset the adventure game lock for the server. |
::adventureset rebirthcost | [Admin] Set what percentage of the user balance to charge for rebirths. |
::adventureset showsettings | Display current settings. |
::adventureset version | Display the version of adventure being used. |
::aleaderboard | Print the leaderboard. |
::apayday | Get some free gold. |
::atransfer | Transfer currency between players/economies. |
::atransfer deposit | Convert bank currency to gold. |
::atransfer player | Transfer gold to another player. |
::atransfer withdraw | Convert gold to bank currency. |
::backpack | This shows the contents of your backpack. |
::backpack disassemble | Disassemble items from your backpack. |
::backpack equip | Equip an item from your backpack. |
::backpack eset | Equip all parts of a set that you own. |
::backpack sell | Sell an item from your backpack. |
::backpack sellall | Sell all items in your backpack. Optionally specify rarity or slot. |
::backpack trade | Trade an item from your backpack to another user. |
::bless | [Cleric Class Only] |
::cbackpack | Complex backpack management tools. |
::cbackpack disassemble | Disassemble items from your backpack. |
::cbackpack sell | Sell items from your backpack. |
::cbackpack show | This shows the contents of your backpack. |
::convert | Convert normal, rare or epic chests. |
::ebackpack | This shows the contents of your backpack that can be equipped. |
::equip | This equips an item from your backpack. |
::focus | [Wizard Class Only] |
::forge | [Tinkerer Class Only] |
::heroclass | Allows you to select a class if you are level 10 or above. |
::insight | [Psychic Class Only] |
::loadout | Set up gear sets or loadouts. |
Aliases: loadouts
::loadout delete | Delete a saved loadout. |
::loadout equip | Equip a saved loadout. |
::loadout save | Save your current equipment as a loadout. |
::loadout show | Show saved loadouts. |
::loot | This opens one of your precious treasure chests. |
::music | [Bard Class Only] |
::mysets | Show your sets. |
::negaverse | This will send you to fight a nega-member! |
::nvsb | Print the negaverse scoreboard. |
::pet | [Ranger Class Only] |
::pet forage | Use your pet to forage for items! |
::pet free | Free your pet :cry: |
::rage | [Berserker Class Only] |
::rebirth | Resets your character level and increases your rebirths by 1. |
::scoreboard | Print the scoreboard. |
::setinfo | Show set bonuses for the specified set. |
::skill | This allows you to spend skillpoints. |
::stats | This draws up a character sheet of you or an optionally specified member. |
::themeset | [Admin] Modify themes. |
::themeset list | [Admin] Show custom objects in the specified theme. |
Aliases: show
::themeset list monster | [Admin] Show monster objects in the specified theme. |
::themeset list pet | [Admin] Show pet objects in the specified theme. |
::unequip | This stashes a specified equipped item into your backpack. |
::wscoreboard | Print the weekly scoreboard. |
Alert when a dragon appears in adventure
Author(s): TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
::adventurealert | Set notifications for all adventures |
::adventurealert add | Toggle adventure notifications in this server |
Aliases: user, users, remove, rem, toggle
::adventurealert global | Toggle adventure notifications in all shared servers |
::adventurealert removeall | Remove all adventurealert settings in all guilds |
::adventurealert removeuser | Remove a specific user ID from adventure alerts |
::adventurealert role | Add or remove a role to be pinged when a dragon appears |
::adventurealert settings | Shows a list of servers you have alerts |
Aliases: setting
::ascendedalert | Set notifications for ascendeds appearing in adventure |
::ascendedalert add | Toggle ascended notifications on this server |
Aliases: user, users, remove, rem
::ascendedalert global | Toggle ascended notifications across all shared servers |
::ascendedalert removeuser | Remove a specific user ID from ascended alerts |
::ascendedalert role | Add or remove a role to be pinged when an ascended appears |
::cartalert | Set notifications for carts appearning |
::cartalert add | Toggle cart notifications on this server |
Aliases: user, users, remove, rem, toggle
::cartalert global | Toggle cart notifications in all shared servers |
::cartalert removeuser | Remove a specific user ID from cart alerts |
::cartalert role | Add or remove a role to be pinged when the cart appears |
::dragonalert | Set notifications for dragons appearing in adventure |
Aliases: bossalert
::dragonalert add | Toggle dragon notifications on this server |
Aliases: user, users, remove, rem
::dragonalert global | Toggle dragon notifications across all shared servers |
::dragonalert removeuser | Remove a specific user ID from dragon alerts |
::dragonalert role | Add or remove a role to be pinged when a dragon appears |
::immortalalert | Set notifications for immortals appearing in adventure |
::immortalalert add | Toggle immortal notifications on this server |
Aliases: user, users, remove, rem
::immortalalert global | Toggle immortal notifications across all shared servers |
::immortalalert removeuser | Remove a specific user ID from immortal alerts |
::immortalalert role | Add or remove a role to be pinged when an immortal appears |
::minibossalert | Set notifications for minibosses appearing in adventure |
::minibossalert add | Toggle miniboss notifications in this server |
Aliases: user, users, remove, rem, toggle
::minibossalert global | Toggle miniboss notifications in all shared servers |
::minibossalert removeuser | Remove a specific user ID from miniboss alerts |
::minibossalert role | Add or remove a role to be pinged when the miniboss appears |
::possessedalert | Set notifications for possesseds appearing in adventure |
::possessedalert add | Toggle possessed notifications on this server |
Aliases: user, users, remove, rem
::possessedalert global | Toggle possessed notifications across all shared servers |
::possessedalert removeuser | Remove a specific user ID from possessed alerts |
::possessedalert role | Add or remove a role to be pinged when a possessed appears |
::transcendedalert | Set notifications for transcendeds appearing in adventure |
::transcendedalert add | Toggle transcended notifications on this server |
Aliases: user, users, remove, rem
::transcendedalert global | Toggle transcended notifications across all shared servers |
::transcendedalert removeuser | Remove a specific user ID from transcended alerts |
::transcendedalert role | Add or remove a role to be pinged when a transcended appears |
Play Akinator in Discord!
Author(s): PhenoM4n4n and sravan
Command | Description |
::aki | Start a game of Akinator! |
Check new users with AltDentifier API
Author(s): PhenoM4n4n
Command | Description |
::altcheck | Check a user on AltDentifier. |
::altset | Manage AltDentifier Settings. |
::altset action | Specify what actions to take when a member joins and has a certain Trust Level. |
::altset channel | Set the channel to send AltDentifier join checks to. |
::altset settings | View AltDentifier Settings. |
::altset unwhitelist | Remove a user from the AltDentifier whitelist. |
::altset whitelist | Whitelist a user from AltDentifier actions. |
Play Battle Royale with your friends!
Author(s): inthedark.org, MAX, AAA3A, and sravan
Command | Description |
::battleroyale | Battle Royale with other members! |
::battleroyale auto | Battle Royale with random players from your server. |
::battleroyale leaderboard | Show the leaderboard. |
::battleroyale profile | Show your battle royale profile. |
::battleroyale profile bio | Change your default bio. |
::battleroyale role | Battle Royale with members from a specific role in your server. |
::setbattleroyale | Configuration commands for BattleRoyale. |
Aliases: battleset
::setbattleroyale prize | Changes the prize amount. |
Replaces the core uptime
command to show the uptime percentage over the last 30 days.
The cog will need to run for a full 30 days for the fulldata to become available.
Author(s): @vexingvexed
Command | Description |
::downtime | Check [botname] downtime over the last 30 days. |
::uptime | Get [botname]'s uptime percent over the last 30 days, and when I was last restarted. |
::uptimegraph | Check [botname] uptime with a graph over the last 30 days. |
Bingo cog.
Author(s): Unknown
Command | Description |
::bingo | Bingo! |
::bingo board | |
::bingo cancel | Cancel a bingo game. |
::bingo dms | Enable or disable dms for bingo. |
::bingo mark | Mark a number on your bingo card. |
::bingo notify | Whether to mention participants when the bingo game starts or not. |
::bingo quit | Quit the bing game you're currently in. |
::bingo setmanagerrole | Set the manager role, they can start/stop bingos. |
::bingo start | Start a bingo game. |
::bingo theme | Change your bingo board theme! |
Author(s): Unknown
Command | Description |
::botmod | Group commands for botmod management. |
::botmod blacklist | Blacklist someone from using the bot. |
::botmod blacklist reason | Get the reason for why the mentioned user was blacklisted (that is if they were actually blacklisted) |
::botmod blacklist server | Blacklist servers from using the bot. |
::botmod blacklistedusers | Get a paginated list of blacklisted bot users with reasons for their blacklist. |
Aliases: blu, bll
::botmod list | Shows a list of current botmods set up for [botname] |
::botmod unblacklist | Removes the mentioned user from the blacklist. |
::botmod unblacklist server | Unblacklist servers from the blacklist. |
A cog to do calculations from Discord with buttons!
Author(s): AAA3A
Command | Description |
::calculate | Calculate a simple expression. |
::setcalculator | Commands to configure Calculator. |
::setcalculator autocalculations | Toggle the auto calculations. |
::setcalculator autocalculationsignoredchannels | The channels to ignore for the auto calculations. |
::setcalculator modalconfig | Set all settings for the cog with a Discord Modal. |
::setcalculator reactcalculations | Toggle the reaction calculations. |
::setcalculator reactcalculationsignoredchannels | The channels to ignore for the reaction calculations. |
::setcalculator resetsetting | Reset a setting. |
::setcalculator resultcodeblock | Toggle the codeblock mode. |
::setcalculator showsettings | Show all settings for the cog with defaults and values. |
::setcalculator simpleembed | Toggle the simple embed mode. |
View embeds showcasing the supplied color and information about it
Author(s): Neuro Assassin#4779 <@473541068378341376>
Repo: https://github.com/MelonBot-Development/Toxic-Cogs.git
Command | Description |
::color | Group command for color commands |
Aliases: colour
::color decimal | Provides the RGB value of the decimal value given. |
::color hex | Provides the RGB value and HSL value of a passed hexadecimal value. Hexadecimal value must in the format of something like |
::color hsl | Provides the hexadecimal value and the RGB value of the hsl value given. Each value must have a space between them. |
::color msgshort | Enable or disable the in-message shortcut. |
::color name | Provides the hexadecimal value, RGB value and HSL value of a passed color. For example, pass |
::color rgb | Provides the hexadecimal value and HSL value of the rgb value given. Each value must have a space between them. Highest argument must be 1 or 255, indicating the highest value of a single value (r, g, or b). |
Compliment users because there's too many insults
Author(s): Airen, JennJenn, and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
::compliment | Compliment the user |
Play Connect 4!
Author(s): Benjamin Mintz, flare, and PhenoM4n4n
Command | Description |
::connect4 | Play Connect 4 with another player. |
::connect4 stats | View Connect 4 stats. |
Conversation games
Author(s): inthedark.org
Command | Description |
::cgset | Configurating options for Conversation Games. |
::cgset rating | Set rating for the games. |
::dare | Dare questions, optionally ask dare questions to members! |
::neverhaveiever | Never have I ever. |
Aliases: nhie
::paranoia | Paranoia questions. |
::truth | Truth questions, optionally ask truth questions to members! |
::wouldyourather | Would you rather? |
Aliases: wyr
The Core cog has many commands related to core functions.
These commands come loaded with every Red bot, and cover some of the most basic usage of the bot.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
::autoimmune | Commands to manage server settings for immunity from automated actions. |
::autoimmune add | Makes a user or role immune from automated moderation actions. |
::autoimmune isimmune | Checks if a user or role would be considered immune from automated actions. |
::autoimmune list | Gets the current members and roles configured for automatic moderation action immunity. |
::autoimmune remove | Remove a user or role from being immune to automated moderation actions. |
::bankset | Base command for bank settings. |
::bankset bankname | Set the bank's name. |
::bankset creditsname | Set the name for the bank's currency. |
::bankset maxbal | Set the maximum balance a user can get. |
::bankset prune | Base command for pruning bank accounts. |
::bankset prune server | Prune bank accounts for users no longer in the server. |
::bankset prune user | Delete the bank account of a specified user. |
::bankset registeramount | Set the initial balance for new bank accounts. |
::bankset reset | Delete all bank accounts. |
::bankset showsettings | Show the current bank settings. |
::command | Commands to enable and disable commands and cogs. |
::command disable | Disable a command. |
::command disable server | Disable a command in this server only. |
::command disablecog | Disable a cog in this server. |
::command enable | Enable a command. |
::command enable server | Enable a command in this server. |
::command enablecog | Enable a cog in this server. |
::command listdisabled | List disabled commands. |
::command listdisabled global | List disabled commands globally. |
::command listdisabled guild | List disabled commands in this server. |
::command listdisabledcogs | List the cogs which are disabled in this server. |
::contact | Sends a message to the owner. |
::embedset | Commands for toggling embeds on or off. |
::embedset channel | Set's a channel's embed setting. |
::embedset command | Sets a command's embed setting. |
::embedset command server | Sets a command's embed setting for the current server. |
::embedset server | Set the server's embed setting. |
::embedset showsettings | Show the current embed settings. |
::embedset user | Sets personal embed setting for DMs. |
::ignore | Commands to add servers or channels to the ignore list. |
::ignore channel | Ignore commands in the channel, thread, or category. |
::ignore list | List the currently ignored servers and channels. |
::ignore server | Ignore commands in this server. |
Aliases: guild
::info | Shows info about [botname]. |
::invite | Shows [botname]'s invite url. |
::licenseinfo | Get info about Red's licenses. |
Aliases: licenceinfo
::localallowlist | Commands to manage the server specific allowlist. |
Aliases: localwhitelist
::localallowlist add | Adds a user or role to the server allowlist. |
::localallowlist clear | Clears the allowlist. |
::localallowlist list | Lists users and roles on the server allowlist. |
::localallowlist remove | Removes user or role from the allowlist. |
::localblocklist | Commands to manage the server specific blocklist. |
Aliases: localblacklist
::localblocklist add | Adds a user or role to the local blocklist. |
::localblocklist clear | Clears the server blocklist. |
::localblocklist list | Lists users and roles on the server blocklist. |
::localblocklist remove | Removes user or role from local blocklist. |
::modlogset | Manage modlog settings. |
::modlogset cases | Enable or disable case creation for a mod action. |
::modlogset modlog | Set a channel as the modlog. |
::modlogset resetcases | Reset all modlog cases in this server. |
::modonlymode | Marks the bot as mod-only. |
::mydata | Commands which interact with the data [botname] has about you. |
::mydata 3rdparty | View the End User Data statements of each 3rd-party module. |
::mydata forgetme | Have [botname] forget what it knows about you. |
::mydata getmydata | [Coming Soon] Get what data [botname] has about you. |
::mydata whatdata | Find out what type of data [botname] stores and why. |
::ping | View bot latency |
::ping moreinfo | Ping with additional latency statistics. |
Aliases: more
::ping shards | View bot latency for all shards. |
::set | Commands for changing [botname]'s settings. |
::set bot | Commands for changing [botname]'s metadata. |
Aliases: metadata
::set bot nickname | Sets [botname]'s nickname for the current server. |
::set deletedelay | Set the delay until the bot removes the command message. |
::set locale | Changes [botname]'s locale in this server. |
::set locale server | Changes [botname]'s locale in this server. |
::set regionalformat | Changes the bot's regional format in this server. This is used for formatting date, time and numbers. |
::set regionalformat server | Changes the bot's regional format in this server. This is used for formatting date, time and numbers. |
::set roles | Set server's admin and mod roles for [botname]. |
::set roles addadminrole | Adds an admin role for this server. |
::set roles addmodrole | Adds a moderator role for this server. |
::set roles removeadminrole | Removes an admin role for this server. |
::set roles removemodrole | Removes a mod role for this server. |
::set serverfuzzy | Toggle whether to enable fuzzy command search for the server. |
::set serverprefix | Sets [botname]'s server prefix(es). |
::set showsettings | Show the current settings for [botname]. Accepts optional guild parameter if its prefix must be recovered. |
::set usebotcolour | Toggle whether to use the bot owner-configured colour for embeds. |
Aliases: usebotcolor
::support | Send an invitation link to join the support server of [botname]. |
Aliases: helpguild, helpserver, supportserver
::unignore | Commands to remove servers or channels from the ignore list. |
::unignore channel | Remove a channel, thread, or category from the ignore list. |
::unignore server | Remove this server from the ignore list. |
Aliases: guild
::uptime | Shows [botname]'s uptime. |
Multifeatured Counting Channel
Create a counting channel for your server, with various additional management options!
Author(s): Obi-Wan3
Command | Description |
::counting | Multifeatured Counting Channel |
::counting highscore | Show the highest count reached in this server. |
Aliases: score
::counting leaderboard | Show the Counting leaderboard in this server. |
Aliases: top, topcounters
::countingset | Settings for Counting |
::countingset allowrepeats | Toggle whether users can count multiple times in a row. |
::countingset allowtext | Set whether messages not starting with a number are allowed. |
::countingset assignrole | Toggle whether to assign a role to the most recent user to count (requires add/remove role perms). |
::countingset autoreset | Set the message to be sent on counter reset when a wrong number is sent (leave blank to turn off auto-reset). |
::countingset channel | Set the Counting channel. |
::countingset clear | Clear & reset the current Counting settings. |
::countingset delete | Toggle whether incorrect counts should be deleted. |
::countingset penalty | Mute users for a specified amount of time if they count wrong x times in a row (leave both values empty to turn off, requires Core |
::countingset react | Toggle whether ✓ and ✗ reactions should be added to messages. |
::countingset resetcounts | Reset the current Counting scores for all server members. |
::countingset role | Set the role to assign to the most recent user to count. |
::countingset starting | Set the counter to start off with. |
::countingset toggle | Toggle Counting in this server. |
::countingset view | View the current Counting settings. |
Interact with your bot through a web Dashboard!
**Installation guide:** https://red-web-dashboard.readthedocs.io/en/latest⚠️ This package is a fork of Neuro Assassin's work, and isn't endorsed by the Org at all.
Author(s): AAA3A and Neuro Assassin
Command | Description |
::dashboard | Get the link to the Dashboard. |
Decancer users names removing special and accented chars.
`[p]decancerset` to get started if you're already using redbot core modlog
Author(s): KableKompany#0001 and PhenoM4n4n
Repo: https://github.com/Heistman-Development/Kable-Kogs.git
Command | Description |
::decancer | Remove special/cancerous characters from user nicknames |
::decancerset | Set up the modlog channel for decancer'd users, |
::decancerset auto | Toggle automatically decancering new users. |
::decancerset defaultname | If you don't want a server of simps, change this |
::decancerset modlog | Set a decancer entry to your modlog channel. |
::dehoist | Decancer all members of the targeted role. |
Author(s): Unknown
Command | Description |
::antonym | Displays antonyms for a given word. |
::define | Looks up an English word in the dictionary. |
::synonym | Displays synonyms for a given word. |
Set a reminder to bump on Disboard.
Author(s): inthedark.org and Phenom4n4n
Command | Description |
::bumpreminder | Set a reminder to bump on Disboard. |
Aliases: bprm
::bumpreminder channel | Set the channel to send bump reminders to. |
::bumpreminder clean | Toggle whether [botname] should keep the bump channel "clean." |
::bumpreminder lock | Toggle whether the bot should automatically lock/unlock the bump channel. |
::bumpreminder message | Change the message used for reminders. Providing no message will reset to the default message. |
::bumpreminder pingrole | Set a role to ping for bump reminders. |
::bumpreminder settings | Show your Bump Reminder settings. |
Aliases: showsettings, show, ss
::bumpreminder thankyou | Change the message used for 'Thank You' messages. Providing no message will reset to the default message. |
Track votes on Disurl, assign roles to voters and remind them to vote!
Author(s): AAA3A
Command | Description |
::disurlvotestracker | Commands to interact with DisurlVotesTracker. |
Aliases: dvt
::disurlvotestracker leaderboard | Show the lifetime leaderboard of voters. |
::disurlvotestracker monthlyleaderboard | Show the monthly leaderboard of voters. |
::setdisurlvotestracker | Commands to configure DisurlVotesTracker. |
Aliases: setdvt
::setdisurlvotestracker customvotemessage | Custom vote message. You can specify the ID or the link of an existing message, or provide an embed payload. Use the variables |
::setdisurlvotestracker customvoteremindermessage | Custom vote reminder message. You can specify the ID or the link of an existing message, or provide an embed payload. Use the variables |
::setdisurlvotestracker disurlauthaurizationkey | Your Disurl authorization key, used to secure the Dashboard webhook. That's the key which you set on https://disurl.me/dashboard/server/GUILD_ID/webhooks. |
::setdisurlvotestracker enabled | Toggle the cog. WARNING: Red-Dashboard has to be installed and started for this to work. |
::setdisurlvotestracker instructions | Instructions on how to set up DisurlVotesTracker. |
::setdisurlvotestracker modalconfig | Set all settings for the cog with a Discord Modal. |
::setdisurlvotestracker resetleaderboards | Reset the leaderboards. |
::setdisurlvotestracker resetsetting | Reset a setting. |
::setdisurlvotestracker showsettings | Show all settings for the cog with defaults and values. |
::setdisurlvotestracker votereminder | Toggle vote reminders. A reminder will be sent to voters 12 hours after their vote. |
::setdisurlvotestracker votersrole | The role that will be assigned to voters. |
::setdisurlvotestracker voteschannel | The channel where votes notifications will be sent. |
Author(s): crayyy_zee
Repo: [email protected]:MelonBot-Development/private-cogs.git
Command | Description |
::donation | Commands for managing donations |
Aliases: donations, dono
::donation add | Add to a user's balance |
::donation balance | Check a user's balance |
::donation goal | Goal related user facing commands. |
::donation goal contributors | See the contributors of the current goal for the given bank |
::donation goal progress | See the progress of the current goal for the given bank |
::donation leaderboard | Check the leaderboard |
Aliases: lb
::donation logs | View the donations logs of a user in a bank |
::donation logs undo | Undo a donation log entry |
::donation remove | Remove from a user's balance |
::donation tiers | Commands for managing tiers |
Aliases: tier, grinder, grinders
::donation tiers check | Check the tier for a user |
::donation tiers users | List the users assigned to a tier |
::donoset | Settings for DonationLogging |
::donoset auto | Manage the auto role settings |
Aliases: autorole
::donoset auto add | Toggle auto add role |
::donoset auto remove | Toggle auto remove role |
::donoset backup | Backup the server settings |
::donoset bank | Manage the banks for the server |
::donoset bank backup | Backup the bank data |
::donoset bank create | Create a bank |
::donoset bank delete | Delete a bank |
::donoset bank emoji | Set the emoji for a bank |
::donoset bank goal | Set donation goals that are fulfilled by user donations. |
Aliases: goals
::donoset bank goal create | Create a donation goal for a bank. |
::donoset bank goal delete | Delete the donation goal for a bank. |
::donoset bank goal flags | Get flag information for donation goals. |
Aliases: flag
::donoset bank goal info | Get the information of the donation goal for a bank. |
::donoset bank hidden | Set the hidden status of a bank |
::donoset bank info | Get the info of a bank |
::donoset bank list | List all currency banks in your server. |
::donoset bank logchannel | Set the log channel for a bank |
::donoset bank reset | Reset a bank |
::donoset bank restore | Restore the bank data |
::donoset bank roles | Set the autoroles for a bank |
::donoset bank tiers | Manage the tiers for the server |
Aliases: tier, grinder, grinders
::donoset bank tiers add | Add a tier |
::donoset bank tiers assign | Assign a user to a tier |
::donoset bank tiers list | List the tiers |
::donoset bank tiers notifchannel | Set the notification channel for a bank |
::donoset bank tiers remove | Remove a tier |
::donoset bank tiers reset | Reset the tiers |
::donoset bank tiers role | Set the role for a tier |
::donoset bank tiers unassign | Unassign a user from a tier |
::donoset bank tiers unpaid | Set the max days for unpaid tiers |
::donoset defaultbank | Set the default bank for the server |
::donoset guildlog | Set the guild log channel |
::donoset managers | Manage the managers for the server |
Aliases: manager, mgr
::donoset managers add | Add a manager |
::donoset managers remove | Remove a manager |
::donoset reset | Reset the server settings |
Aliases: wipe, nuke
::donoset restore | Restore the server settings |
::donoset showsettings | Show the settings for the server |
Aliases: settings, ss
Get rich and have fun with imaginary currency!
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
::bank | Base command to manage the bank. |
::bank balance | Show the user's account balance. |
::bank set | Set the balance of a user's bank account. |
::bank transfer | Transfer currency to other users. |
::economyset | Base command to manage Economy settings. |
::economyset paydayamount | Set the amount earned each payday. |
::economyset paydaytime | Set the cooldown for the payday command. |
::economyset rolepaydayamount | Set the amount earned each payday for a role. |
::economyset showsettings | Shows the current economy settings |
::economyset slotmax | Set the maximum slot machine bid. |
::economyset slotmin | Set the minimum slot machine bid. |
::economyset slottime | Set the cooldown for the slot machine. |
::leaderboard | Print the leaderboard. |
::payday | Get some free currency. |
::payouts | Show the payouts for the slot machine. |
::slot | Use the slot machine. |
Create, send, and store rich embeds, from Red-Dashboard too!
Author(s): PhenoM4n4n and AAA3A
Command | Description |
::embed | Post a simple embed with a color, a title and a description. |
::embed dashboard | Get the link to the Dashboard. |
::embed download | Download a JSON file for a message's embed(s). |
::embed downloadstored | Download a JSON file for a stored embed. |
::embed edit | Edit a message sent by [botname]. |
::embed fromfile | Post an embed from a valid JSON file (upload it). |
::embed info | Get info about a stored embed. |
::embed json | Post embeds from valid JSON. |
::embed list | Get info about a stored embed. |
::embed message | Post embed(s) from an existing message. |
::embed pastebin | Post embeds from a GitHub/Gist/Pastebin/Hastebin link containing valid JSON. |
::embed poststored | Post stored embeds. |
::embed postwebhook | Post stored embeds with a webhook. |
::embed store | Store an embed. |
::embed unstore | Remove a stored embed. |
::embed yaml | Post embeds from valid YAML. |
::embed yamlfile | Post an embed from a valid YAML file (upload it). |
Tools for Managing Custom Emojis
Author(s): Obi-Wan3
Command | Description |
::emojitools | Various tools for managing custom emojis in servers. |
::emojitools add | Add Custom Emojis to Server |
::emojitools add allreactionsfrom | Add emojis to this server from all reactions in a message. |
::emojitools add emoji | Add an emoji to this server (leave |
::emojitools add emojis | Add some emojis to this server. |
::emojitools add fromimage | Add an emoji to this server from a provided image. |
::emojitools add fromreaction | Add an emoji to this server from a specific reaction on a message. |
::emojitools add fromzip | Add some emojis to this server from a provided .zip archive. |
::emojitools delete | Delete Server Custom Emojis |
Aliases: remove
::emojitools delete all | Delete all specific custom emojis from the server. |
::emojitools delete emojis | Delete custom emojis from the server. |
::emojitools edit | Edit Custom Emojis in the Server |
::emojitools edit name | Edit the name of a custom emoji from this server. |
::emojitools edit roles | Edit the roles to which the usage of a custom emoji from this server is restricted. |
::emojitools info | Get info about a custom emoji from this server. |
::emojitools save | Save Custom Emojis to Folders |
::emojitools save emojis | Save to a folder the specified custom emojis (can be from any server). |
::emojitools save folders | List all your saved EmojiTools folders. |
::emojitools save getzip | Zip and upload an EmojiTools folder. |
::emojitools save remove | Remove an EmojiTools folder. |
::emojitools save server | Save to a folder all custom emojis from this server (folder name defaults to server name). |
::emojitools tozip | Get a |
::emojitools tozip emojis | Get a |
::emojitools tozip server | Get a |
Extended modlogs Works with core modlogset channel
Author(s): RePulsar and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
::modlog | Toggle various extended modlog notifications |
Aliases: modlogtoggle, modlogs
::modlog all | Turn all logging options on or off. |
::modlog bot | Bot filter settings. |
Aliases: bots
::modlog bot change | Toggle bots from being logged in user updates. |
::modlog bot deletes | Toggle message delete notifications for bot users. |
Aliases: delete
::modlog bot edits | Toggle message edit notifications for bot users. |
Aliases: edit
::modlog bot voice | Toggle bots from being logged in voice state updates. |
::modlog channel | Set the channel for modlogs. |
::modlog colour | Set custom colours for modlog events |
::modlog commandlevel | Set the level of commands to be logged. |
::modlog delete | Delete logging settings. |
::modlog delete bulkdelete | Toggle bulk message delete notifications. |
::modlog delete cachedonly | Toggle message delete notifications for non-cached messages. |
::modlog delete ignorecommands | Toggle message delete notifications for valid bot command messages. |
::modlog delete individual | Toggle individual message delete notifications for bulk message delete. |
::modlog embeds | Set modlog events to use embeds or text |
::modlog emojiset | Set the emoji used in text modlogs. |
::modlog ignore | Ignore a channel from message delete/edit events and bot commands. |
::modlog member | Toggle individual member update settings. |
Aliases: members, memberchanges
::modlog member all | Set all member update settings. |
::modlog member avatar | Toggle avatar updates for member changes. |
::modlog member flags | Toggle flags updates for members. |
::modlog member nickname | Toggle nickname updates for member changes. |
Aliases: nicknames
::modlog member pending | Toggle pending updates for members. |
::modlog member roles | Toggle role updates for members. |
Aliases: role
::modlog member settings | Show the current settings on member updates. |
::modlog member timeout | Toggle timeout updates for members. |
::modlog resetchannel | Reset the modlog event to the default modlog channel. |
::modlog settings | Show the servers current ExtendedModlog settings |
::modlog toggle | Turn on and off specific modlog actions |
::modlog unignore | Unignore a channel from message delete/edit events and bot commands. |
Provides a link to the first message in the provided channel.
Author(s): inthedark.org
Command | Description |
::firstmessage | Provide a link to the first message in current or provided channel. |
Mention the unmentionables
Author(s): Bobloy and PhenoM4n4n
Command | Description |
::forcemention | Mentions that role, regardless if it's unmentionable. |
An useful cog dedicated to make banning those stupid freeloaders that leave your server right after an event or something.
Author(s): inthedark.org#0666
Command | Description |
::freeloadermode | Configuration options for freeloadermode. |
Aliases: fm, freeloader
::freeloadermode action | Set the action to take upon freeloaders that leave the server. |
::freeloadermode logchannel | Set the channel where freeloader stats are logged in. |
::freeloadermode message | Change the message sent to the users before they're banned. |
::freeloadermode off | Toggle freeloader mode off |
::freeloadermode on | Toggle freeloader mode with an optional time to untoggle. |
::freeloadermode showsettings | Show the current settings for the freeloader mode. |
Aliases: ss, show, settings
::freeloadermode time | Sets the time length of the tempban. |
::freeloadermode whitelist | Base commands for whitelist. |
::freeloadermode whitelist user | Add/Remove whitelist from users. |
::freeloadermode whitelist user add | Add a user to the whitelist. |
::freeloadermode whitelist user remove | Remove a user from the whitelist. |
General commands.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
::8 | Ask 8 ball a question. |
::choose | Choose between multiple options. |
::flip | Flip a coin... or a user. |
::lmgtfy | Create a lmgtfy link. |
::roll | Roll a random number. |
::rps | Play Rock Paper Scissors. |
::stopwatch | Start or stop the stopwatch. |
Aliases: sw
::urban | Search the Urban Dictionary. |
Host embedded giveaways in your server with the help of reactions. This cog is a very complex cog and could be resource intensive on your bot. Use [p]giveaway explain
command for an indepth explanation on how to use the commands.
Author(s): crayyy_zee#2900
Repo: [email protected]:MelonBot-Development/private-cogs.git
Command | Description |
::giveaway | Perform giveaway related actions. |
Aliases: g
::giveaway cancel | Cancel a running giveaway. |
::giveaway create | Start a questionaire to start a giveaway. |
::giveaway drop | Start a |
::giveaway eligible | Check whether you are eligible to enter the giveaway. |
::giveaway end | End a giveaway prematurely. |
::giveaway entrants | Check who has entered the giveaway until now. |
::giveaway explain | Explanation of how giveaways work. |
::giveaway flash | Start multiple flash giveaways with a given prize. |
::giveaway invalidate | Forcefully remove an entrant from a giveaway. |
::giveaway list | List all the active giveaways in a server. |
::giveaway reroll | Reroll the winners for an ended giveaway. |
::giveaway show | Show the giveaway that has the given message id. |
::giveaway start | Start a giveaway with a prize |
::giveaway top | See the giveaway managers who have performed the most giveaways. |
Aliases: topmanagers
::giveaway validate | Forcefully validate a member for a giveaway. |
::giveawaysettings | Customize giveaways to how you want them. |
Aliases: gset, giveawaysetting
::giveawaysettings autodelete | Set whether giveaway command invocations get automatically deleted or not. |
::giveawaysettings backup | Backup all giveaway data for your server. |
::giveawaysettings blacklist | Blacklist roles from giveaway permanently without having to pass them as requirements each time. |
::giveawaysettings bypass | See a list of roles that can bypass requirements in giveaways. |
Aliases: by
::giveawaysettings bypass add | Add one or more roles to the server's bypass list. |
::giveawaysettings bypass remove | Remove one or more roles from the server's bypass list. |
::giveawaysettings defaults | Revert all configurable settings to their defaults. |
::giveawaysettings disabledm | Set whether the bot is allowed to dm you for giveaway related notifications. |
::giveawaysettings embed | Customize the giveaway embed. |
::giveawaysettings embed color | Set the colour of giveaways embeds. |
::giveawaysettings embed description | Set the description of the embed of the giveaway message. |
::giveawaysettings embed footer | Custom the giveaway embed footer. |
::giveawaysettings embed footer icon | Change the giveaway embed footer icon. |
::giveawaysettings embed footer text | Change the giveaway embed footer text. |
::giveawaysettings embed thumbnail | Change the giveaway embed thumbnail. |
::giveawaysettings embed title | Set the title of the embed of the giveaway message. |
::giveawaysettings emoji | Set a custom giveaway emoji that the bot reacts with on giveaway embeds. |
::giveawaysettings endmsg | Set the message that gets sent when a giveaway ends. |
::giveawaysettings entryacceptedmessage | Set a message sent to the user ephemerally when their entry is accepted to a giveaways. |
::giveawaysettings entryrejectedmessage | Set the message that is sent to the user ephemerally if their entry is rejected from a giveaway. |
::giveawaysettings entryremovedmessage | Set the message that is sent to the user ephemerally when their entry is removed from a giveaway. |
::giveawaysettings gmsg | Set a custom giveaway message header. |
::giveawaysettings hostdm | Change the message that is sent to the host when the giveaway ends. |
::giveawaysettings log | Enable giveaway logging by configuring a channel. |
::giveawaysettings manager | Shows the list of manager roles for this server. |
Aliases: managers
::giveawaysettings manager add | Add a role that can manage giveaways. |
::giveawaysettings manager remove | Remove a role that can manage giveaways. |
::giveawaysettings multi | See a list for all roles that have multipliers in giveaways in this server. |
Aliases: rolemulti, rm
::giveawaysettings multi add | Add a multipier to a given role. |
::giveawaysettings multi remove | Remove multiplier from a given role. |
::giveawaysettings pingrole | Set which role gets pinged in giveaways. |
::giveawaysettings removereact | Set whether the giveaway reaction is removed if a user's entry is not accepted. |
::giveawaysettings restore | Restore all giveaway data for your server. |
::giveawaysettings sdr | Set whether the default requirements set through |
Aliases: show_default_requirements, showdefault, showdefaults
::giveawaysettings showsettings | See giveaway settings configured for your server |
Aliases: ss, show, showset
::giveawaysettings tmsg | Set a custom message for giveaways. |
::giveawaysettings unblacklist | Unblacklist previously blacklisted roles from giveaways. |
::giveawaysettings winnerdm | Change the message that is sent to the winners when the giveaway ends. |
A simple gtn game.
Author(s): sravan
Command | Description |
::gtn | Start a gtn event. |
A cog to generate images with messages and voice stats, for members, roles, guilds, categories, text channels, voice channels and activities!
Author(s): AAA3A
Command | Description |
::guildstats | Generate images with messages and voice stats, for members, roles, guilds, categories, text channels, voice channels and activities. |
::guildstats activities | Display stats for activities in this guild. |
::guildstats activity | Display stats for a specific activity in this guild. |
::guildstats category | Display stats for a specified category. |
::guildstats channel | Display stats for a specified channel. |
::guildstats disable | Disable the cog in this guild/server. |
::guildstats enable | Enable the cog in this guild/server. |
::guildstats graphic | Display graphic for members, roles guilds, text channels, voice channels and activities. |
::guildstats guild | Display stats for this guild. |
::guildstats ignoreactivity | Ignore or unignore a specific activity. |
::guildstats ignorecategory | Ignore or unignore a specific category. |
::guildstats ignorechannel | Ignore or unignore a specific channel. |
::guildstats ignoreme | Asking GuildStats to ignore your actions. |
::guildstats member | Display stats for a specified member. |
::guildstats memberactivities | Display stats for the activities of a specified member. |
::guildstats messages | Display stats for the messages in this guild. |
::guildstats monthly | Display monthly stats leaderboard for voice/messages members/channels. |
::guildstats role | Display stats for a specified role. |
::guildstats top | Display top stats leaderboard for voice/messages members/channels. |
::guildstats voice | Display stats for the voice in this guild. |
::guildstats weekly | Display weekly stats leaderboard for voice/messages members/channels. |
Host and track heists.
Author(s): inthedark.org#0666
Command | Description |
::heist | Heist management commands. |
::heist start | Set a heist watcher for the current channel with various flag options. |
::heistset | Manage heist settings. |
::heistset manager | Adds or removes managers for your guild. |
::heistset pingrole | Set a role to ping when the |
::heistset showsettings | See all the configured heisting settings for your guild. |
Aliases: showset, ss
::heistset version | Get the version of the installed Heist cog. |
Be notified when keywords are sent.
Author(s): flare#0001
Command | Description |
::highlight | Highlighting Commands. |
::highlight add | Add a word to be highlighted on. |
::highlight blacklist | Manage highlight blacklist. |
::highlight blacklist channel | Add or remove a channel from highlight blacklist. |
::highlight blacklist list | List your blacklist. |
::highlight blacklist user | Add or remove a member from highlight blacklist. |
::highlight bots | Enable highlighting of bot messages. |
::highlight boundary | Use word boundaries for highlighting. |
::highlight cooldown | Set the cooldown for highlighted messages to be sent. Default is 60 seconds. |
::highlight guild | Guild based highlighting commands. |
::highlight guild add | Add a word to be highlighted on for the guild. |
::highlight guild bots | Enable highlighting of bot messages for guild highlights. |
::highlight guild boundary | Use word boundaries for guild highlighting. |
::highlight guild list | Current highlight settings for a channel. |
::highlight guild remove | Remove highlighting for a guild. |
::highlight guild toggle | Toggle highlighting for guild highlights. |
::highlight list | Current highlight settings for a channel. |
::highlight remove | Remove highlighting in a channel. |
::highlight toggle | Toggle highlighting. |
::highlight whitelist | Manage highlight whitelist. |
::highlight whitelist list | List those in your whitelist. |
::highlight whitelist user | Add or remove a member from highlight whitelist. |
Custom info commands.
Author(s): inthedark.org
Command | Description |
::userinfo | Check user's info, defaults to author. |
Airenkun's Insult Cog
Author(s): Airen, JennJenn, and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
::insult | Insult the user |
Ghost ping users when they join.
Author(s): crayyy_zee
Command | Description |
::jpset | Adjust the settings for the cog. |
Aliases: joinpingset
::jpset channel | Set the channels where the pings will be sent on member join. |
Aliases: c, channels
::jpset channel add | Remove the channels from the list of channels where the pings will be sent on member join. |
::jpset channel remove | Add the channels to the list of channels where the pings will be sent on member join. |
::jpset deleteafter | Set the time in seconds after which the ping message will be deleted. |
::jpset message | Set the message that will be sent when a user joins. |
::jpset show | Show the current joinping settings. |
Aliases: showsettings, settings, setting
Multiple tools that are originally used on Melon.
Author(s): inthedark.org#0666
Command | Description |
::advusagecount | Permanent stats since first time that the cog has been loaded. |
Aliases: advusagec
::bankstats | Show stats of the bank. |
::serversregions | Show total of regions where the bot is. |
::usagecount | Show the usage count of the bot. |
Aliases: usagec
Quote Discord message links.
Author(s): PhenoM4n4n
Command | Description |
::linkquote | Quote a message from a link. |
::linkquoteset | Manage LinkQuoter settings. |
::linkquoteset auto | Toggle automatic link-quoting. |
::linkquoteset delete | Toggle deleting of messages for automatic quoting. |
::linkquoteset global | Toggle cross-server quoting. |
::linkquoteset settings | View LinkQuoter settings. |
::linkquoteset webhook | Toggle whether [botname] should use webhooks to quote. |
Advanced channel and server locking.
Author(s): inthedark.org and Phenom4n4n
Command | Description |
::lock | Lock a channel. |
::lock server | Lock the server. |
::unlock | Unlock a channel. |
::unlock server | Unlock the server. |
::unviewlock | Allow users to view a channel. |
::viewlock | Prevent users from viewing a channel. |
Lockdown a list of channels, a channel, or the whole server.
Author(s): KableKompany (KableKompany#0001)
Repo: https://github.com/Heistman-Development/Kable-Kogs.git
Command | Description |
::lockdown | Lockdown a server |
::lockdownset | Settings for lockdown |
Aliases: lds
::lockdownset addchan | Adds channel to list of channels to lock/unlock |
::lockdownset addspecialchannel | Adds channel to list of channels to lock/unlock for special role |
::lockdownset lockmsg | Sets the lock message for your server |
::lockdownset logchan | Set up logging channel to record what channels the bot couldn't successfully lock/unlock |
::lockdownset notify | Set whether to send channel notifications on lockdown and unlockdown to each effected channel |
::lockdownset remusic | Remove channel from list of music chats |
::lockdownset reset | Fully resets server configuation to default, and clears all channels from list |
::lockdownset rmchan | Remove a channel to list of channels to lock/unlock |
::lockdownset rmspecialchannel | Remove a channel to list of channels to lock/unlock for special roles |
::lockdownset rmvc | Remove chat channel from list of voice chats |
::lockdownset setmusic | Adds channel to list of Music channels to lock/unlock |
::lockdownset setvc | Adds channel to list of voice chats to lock/unlock |
::lockdownset showsettings | See Guild Configuration |
::lockdownset specrole | Add a role to lock from sending messages instead of the @everyone role |
::lockdownset unlockmsg | Sets the unlock message for your server |
::lockit | Lock selected text/voice channel |
::lockvc | Locks all voice channels |
::unlockdown | Unlock the server |
::unlockit | Unlock selected text/voice channel |
::unlockvc | Unlocks all voice channels |
Unban all users, or users with a specific ban reason.
Author(s): inthedark.org and aikaterna
Command | Description |
::massunban | Mass unban everyone, or specific people. |
general commands for melon
Author(s): inthedark.org#0666
Command | Description |
::serverinfo | Show server information. |
::ship | Ships two people and counts their compatibility level |
::snap | Thanos snap all non-role users |
Tracks how many messages people sent.
Author(s): Unknown
Command | Description |
::messages | Displays how many messages the user has. |
::messages ignoreme | Ignore yourself from message tracking. |
Aliases: ignore
::messages leaderboard | Message Tracker Leaderboard, displays all the members. |
Aliases: lb
::messages top | Displays the top 10 members in the leaderboard. |
Aliases: top10
::mtset | Message Tracker Settings. |
Aliases: msgtset, messagetrackerset
::mtset admin | Administration commands. |
::mtset admin counter | Change a member's recorded message count.' |
::mtset admin delete | Will delete the member's entire record. |
::mtset admin enable | Enables / Disables system. |
::mtset admin reset | Will delete the server's recorded members. |
Aliases: resetguild
::mtset ignore | Ignore users / channels from message tracking. |
::mtset ignore channel | This will ignore/unignore a channel from message tracking. |
::mtset ignore mods | Ignores/Unignores staffs. (Uses the configured mod role.) |
::mtset ignore user | This blocks/unblocks the user(s) from being tracked. |
::mtset list | Displays ignored users/channels. |
::mtset list channels | Displays channels that are being ignored from tracking. |
Aliases: channel
::mtset list users | Displays users who're being ignored from tracking. |
Aliases: user
::mtset showsettings | Display guild specific settings. |
Aliases: show, ss, settings
Moderation tools.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
::ban | Ban a user from this server and optionally delete days of messages. |
::kick | Kick a user. |
::massban | Mass bans user(s) from the server. |
::modset | Manage server administration settings. |
::modset defaultdays | Set the default number of days worth of messages to be deleted when a user is banned. |
::modset defaultduration | Set the default time to be used when a user is tempbanned. |
::modset deleterepeats | Enable auto-deletion of repeated messages. |
::modset dm | Commands to manage DMs. |
::modset dm message | Set the message to be sent to a user when they are kicked/banned. |
::modset dm toggle | Toggle whether a message should be sent to a user when they are kicked/banned. |
::modset hierarchy | Toggle role hierarchy check for mods and admins. |
::modset mentionspam | Manage the automoderation settings for mentionspam. |
::modset mentionspam ban | Set the autoban conditions for mention spam. |
::modset mentionspam kick | Sets the autokick conditions for mention spam. |
::modset mentionspam strict | Setting to account for duplicate mentions. |
::modset mentionspam warn | Sets the autowarn conditions for mention spam. |
::modset reinvite | Toggle whether an invite will be sent to a user when unbanned. |
::modset showsettings | Show the current server administration settings. |
::modset tracknicknames | Toggle whether nickname changes should be tracked. |
::names | Show previous names and nicknames of a member. |
::rename | Change a member's nickname. |
::slowmode | Changes thread's or text channel's slowmode setting. |
::softban | Kick a user and delete 1 day's worth of their messages. |
::tempban | Temporarily ban a user from this server. |
::unban | Unban a user from this server. |
::voiceban | Ban a user from speaking and listening in the server's voice channels. |
::voicekick | Kick a member from a voice channel. |
::voiceunban | Unban a user from speaking and listening in the server's voice channels. |
Browse and manage modlog cases.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
::case | Show the specified case. |
::casesfor | Display cases for the specified member. |
::listcases | List cases for the specified member. |
::reason | Specify a reason for a modlog case. |
Mute users temporarily or indefinitely.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
::activemutes | Displays active mutes on this server. |
::mute | Mute users. |
::mutechannel | Mute a user in the current text channel (or in the parent of the current thread). |
::muteset | Mute settings. |
::muteset defaulttime | Set the default mute time for the mute command. |
::muteset makerole | Create a Muted role. |
::muteset notification | Set the notification channel for automatic unmute issues. |
::muteset role | Mute role settings. |
::muteset role set | Sets the role to be applied when muting a user. |
::muteset role sync | Updates the permission overwrites of the mute role. |
Aliases: update
::muteset senddm | Set whether mute notifications should be sent to users in DMs. |
::muteset settings | Shows the current mute settings for this guild. |
Aliases: showsettings
::muteset showmoderator | Decide whether the name of the moderator muting a user should be included in the DM to that user. |
::timeout | Timeout users. |
::unmute | Unmute users. |
::unmutechannel | Unmute a user in this channel (or in the parent of this thread). |
::voicemute | Mute a user in their current voice channel. |
::voiceunmute | Unmute a user in their current voice channel. |
Author(s): Dav
Command | Description |
::cnick | Forcibly change a user's nickname. |
::freezenick | Freeze a users nickname. |
::nick | Forcibly change a user's nickname to a predefined string. |
::nickpurge | Remove all nicknames in the server. |
::nickset | Nicknamer settings |
::nickset dm | Set if you would like the bot to DM the user who's nickname was changed. |
::nickset modlog | Set if you would like to create a modlog entry everytime a nickname is being changed. |
::nickset name | Set the default name that will be applied when using |
::tempnick | Temporarily rename a user. |
::unfreezenick | Unfreeze a user's nickname. |
Store moderator notes on users
Author(s): crayyy_zee
Command | Description |
::allnotes | See all the notes ever taken in your server. |
Aliases: guildnotes
::delnote | Delete a note of a user. |
::notes | See all the notes of a user. |
::removenotes | Delete all notes of a user. |
::setnote | Add a note to a user. |
Custom partnership cog for [botname].
Author(s): Unknown
Command | Description |
::partners | Sends a list of [botname] partners. |
Author(s): Unknown
Command | Description |
::patreon | Get information about our Patreon. |
Aliases: patron
::patreon supporters | |
Aliases: patrons
Author(s): Unknown
Command | Description |
::penis | Detects user's penis length. |
Customise permissions for commands and cogs.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
::permissions | Command permission management tools. |
::permissions acl | Manage permissions with YAML files. |
Aliases: yaml
::permissions acl getserver | Get a YAML file detailing all rules in this server. |
Aliases: getguild
::permissions acl setserver | Set rules for this server with a YAML file. |
Aliases: setguild
::permissions acl updateserver | Update rules for this server with a YAML file. |
Aliases: updateguild
::permissions acl yamlexample | Sends an example of the yaml layout for permissions |
::permissions addserverrule | Add a rule to a command in this server. |
::permissions canrun | Check if a user can run a command. |
::permissions clearserverrules | Reset all rules in this server. |
Aliases: clearguildrules
::permissions explain | Explain how permissions works. |
::permissions removeserverrule | Remove a server rule from a command. |
::permissions setdefaultserverrule | Set the default rule for a command in this server. |
Assign and edit personal channels.
Bot needs `manage_channels` guild permissions to utilize this cog.
Author(s): inthedark.org
Command | Description |
::mychannel | Control of personal channels. |
Aliases: mychan
::mychannel assign | Assign a personal text channel to someone. |
::mychannel blacklist | Manage blacklisted names. |
Aliases: blocklist
::mychannel blacklist add | Add channel name to blacklist. |
::mychannel blacklist list | List of blacklisted channel names. |
::mychannel blacklist remove | Remove channel name from blacklist. |
::mychannel category | Configure the category every personal text channel should be under. |
::mychannel create | Create a personal channel and assign it to the user. |
::mychannel delete | Delete your personal channel. |
::mychannel friends | Add or remove friends from your channel. |
::mychannel friends list | List your added friends. |
::mychannel list | Assigned channels list. |
::mychannel name | Change name of personal channel. |
::mychannel perms | Give users permissions on how many users they can to add in their channel. |
::mychannel pin | Pin a message in the personal channel. |
::mychannel position | Edit the channel position for someone's personal channel. |
::mychannel remove | Delete member's personal channel. |
::mychannel topic | Change the topic of personal channel. |
::mychannel unassign | Unassign personal text channel from someone. |
::mychannel unpin | Unpin a message from the personal channel. |
Make the bot react to messages with your mention, reply, your user ID or a custom trigger, based on roles perks!
Author(s): AAA3A
Command | Description |
::personalreact | Make the bot react to messages with your mention, reply, your user ID or a custom trigger! |
Aliases: pr
::personalreact addreactions | Add reaction(s). |
::personalreact customtrigger | Set a custom trigger. |
::personalreact disable | Disable PersonalReact for you. |
::personalreact enable | Enable PersonalReact for you. |
::personalreact ignorebots | Ignore bots. |
::personalreact ignoremyself | Ignore yourself. |
::personalreact reactions | Set your reactions. |
::personalreact removereactions | Remove reaction(s). |
::personalreact replies | Allow the bot to react on the messages which ping you in replies. |
::personalreact userid | Allow the bot to react on the messages which contain your user ID. |
::personalreact view | View your PersonalReact settings. |
::setpersonalreact | Set PersonalReact settings. |
Aliases: setpr
::setpersonalreact addbaserolesrequirements | Add base roles requirements. |
::setpersonalreact addctrolesrequirements | Add custom trigger roles requirements. |
::setpersonalreact allowrepliestrigger | Whether to allow the replies trigger. |
::setpersonalreact alwaysallowcustomtrigger | Whether to always allow the custom trigger feature. |
::setpersonalreact blacklistedchannels | The channels where the bot won't react. |
::setpersonalreact clearmember | Clear a member's PersonalReact settings. |
::setpersonalreact maxreactionspermember | The maximum number of reactions a member can set for them. |
::setpersonalreact mincustomtriggerlength | The minimum length of a custom trigger. |
::setpersonalreact modalconfig | Set all settings for the cog with a Discord Modal. |
::setpersonalreact removebaserolesrequirements | Remove base roles requirements. |
::setpersonalreact removectrolesrequirements | Remove custom trigger roles requirements. |
::setpersonalreact resetsetting | Reset a setting. |
::setpersonalreact roles | Set the roles requirements. |
Aliases: view
::setpersonalreact showsettings | Show all settings for the cog with defaults and values. |
::setpersonalreact useamountssum | Whether to use the sum of the roles requirements or the maximum amount. |
Battle in a Pokemon Duel with another member of your server.
Author(s): Flame442
Command | Description |
::pokemonduel | Battle in a Pokemon Duel with another member of your server. |
::pokemonduel inverse | Battle in an Inverse Duel with another member of your server. |
::pokemonduel party | Manage your party of pokemon. |
::pokemonduel party list | View the pokemon currently in your party. |
Aliases: view
::pokemonduel party set | Set your party of pokemon. |
::pokemonduelset | Config options for pokemon duels. |
::pokemonduelset thread | Set if a thread should be created per-game to contain game messages. |
Prefix management.
Author(s): PhenoM4n4n
Command | Description |
::prefix | Manage server prefixes. |
::prefix add | Add a prefix to this server's prefix list. |
::prefix clear | Reset this server's prefixes to the default list. |
Aliases: reset
::prefix remove | Remove a prefix from this server's prefix list. |
::prefix set | Set the prefixes for this server. |
Secret Premium Cog.
Author(s): Unknown
Command | Description |
::premium | Manage premium configuration settings. |
::premium guild | Manually add guilds to the premium configuration list. |
::premium user | Manually add guilds to the premium configuration list. |
::premium view | View the premium configuration settings. |
Author(s): Unknown
Command | Description |
::pressf | Pay respect by pressing F. |
This cog contains commands used for "cleaning up" (deleting) messages.
This is designed as a moderator tool and offers many convenient use cases.All cleanup commands only apply to the channel the command is executed in.Messages older than two weeks cannot be mass deleted.This is a limitation of the API.
Author(s): inthedark.org
Command | Description |
::purge | Removes messages that meet a criteria. |
::purge after | Delete all messages after a specified message. |
::purge before | Deletes X messages before the specified message. |
::purge between | Delete the messages between Message One and Message Two, providing the messages IDs. |
::purge bot | Removes bot messages, optionally takes a prefix argument. |
::purge contains | Removes all messages containing a text. |
::purge custom | Remove messages that meet a criteria from the flags. |
::purge duplicates | Deletes duplicate messages in the channel from the last X messages and keeps only one copy. |
::purge embeds | Removes messages that have embeds in them. |
::purge emoji | Removes all messages containing custom emoji. |
::purge files | Removes messages that have attachments in them. |
::purge images | Removes messages that have embeds or attachments. |
::purge links | Removes all messages containing a link. |
::purge mine | Removes my messages from the channel. |
::purge reactions | Removes all reactions from messages that have them. |
::purge regex | Removes messages that matches the regex pattern. |
::purge self | Removes your messages from the channel. |
::purge user | Removes all messages by the member. |
Play a kahoot-like trivia game with questions from Open Trivia Database. Originally by Keane for Red v2
Author(s): Keane and aikaterna
Repo: https://github.com/MelonBot-Development/aikaterna-cogs.git
Command | Description |
::quiz | Play a kahoot-like trivia game. |
::quiz categories | List quiz categories. |
::quiz play | Create or join a quiz game. |
::quizset | Quiz settings. |
::quizset afk | Set number of questions before the game ends due to non-answers. |
::quizset multiplier | Set the credit multiplier. |
::quizset questions | Set number of questions per game. |
::quizset show | Toggle revealing the answers. |
Shows the reach of roles in a channel.
Author(s): Unknown
Repo: [email protected]:MelonBot-Development/unknown-cogs.git
Command | Description |
::reach | Shows the reach of a role or multiple roles for a specific channel! |
Don't forget anything anymore! Reminders in DMs, channels, FIFO commands scheduler, say scheduler... With 'Me Too', snooze and buttons.
Author(s): AAA3A
Command | Description |
::remind | Create a reminder with optional reminder text or message, in a channel with an user/role ping. |
::reminder | List, edit and delete existing reminders, or create FIFO/commands or Say reminders. |
Aliases: reminders
::reminder clear | Clear all your existing reminders. |
::reminder edit | Edit an existing Reminder from its ID. |
::reminder expires | Edit the expires time of an existing Reminder from its ID. |
::reminder fifo | Create a FIFO/command reminder. The chosen command will be executed with you as invoker. Don't provide the prefix. |
::reminder list | List your existing reminders. |
::reminder remove | Remove existing Reminder(s) from their IDs. |
::reminder repeat | Edit the repeat of an existing Reminder from its ID. |
::reminder say | Create a reminder who will say/send text. |
::reminder text | Edit the text of an existing Reminder from its ID. |
::reminder timestamps | Get a list of Discord timestamps for a given time. You can provide a repeat. |
::reminder timetips | Show time parsing tips. |
Aliases: parsingtips
::reminder timezone | Set your timezone for the time converter. |
::remindme | Create a reminder with optional reminder text or message. |
Useful role commands.
Includes massroling, role targeting, and reaction roles.
Author(s): PhenoM4n4n, Bobloy, TrustyJaid, and Neuro Assassin
Command | Description |
::multirole | Add multiple roles to a member. |
::multirole remove | Remove multiple roles from a member. |
::reactrole | Base command for Reaction Role management. |
::reactrole bind | Bind a reaction role to an emoji on a message. |
::reactrole create | Create a reaction role. |
::reactrole delete | Delete an entire reaction role for a message. |
::reactrole delete bind | Delete an emoji-role bind for a reaction role. |
::reactrole list | View the reaction roles on this server. |
::role | Base command for modifying roles. |
::role add | Add a role to a member. |
::role addmulti | Add a role to multiple members. |
::role all | Add a role to all members of the server. |
::role bots | Add a role to all bots in the server. |
::role color | Change a role's color. |
::role colors | Sends the server's roles, ordered by color. |
::role create | Creates a role. |
::role custom | Add and remove multiple roles in a single command. |
::role hoist | Toggle whether a role should appear seperate from other roles. |
::role humans | Add a role to all humans (non-bots) in the server. |
::role in | Add a role to all members of a another role. |
::role info | Get information about a role. |
::role members | Sends a list of members in a role. |
::role name | Change a role's name. |
::role rall | Remove a role from all members of the server. |
::role rbots | Remove a role from all bots in the server. |
::role remove | Remove a role from a member. |
::role removemulti | Remove a role from multiple members. |
::role rhumans | Remove a role from all humans (non-bots) in the server. |
::role rin | Remove a role from all members of a another role. |
::role target | Modify roles using 'targeting' args. |
::role target add | Add a role to members using targeting args. |
::role target remove | Remove a role from members using targeting args. |
::role uniquemembers | View the total unique members between multiple roles. |
Do roleplay with your Discord friends or virtual strangers.
Author(s): ឵឵owo#0055 and inthedark.org#0666
Command | Description |
::baka | Call someone a BAKA with a GIF reaction! |
::bully | Bully someone in this server with a funny GIF! |
::cry | Let others know that you feel like crying or just wanna cry. |
::cuddle | Cuddle with a server member! |
::feed | Feed someone from this server virtually! |
::highfive | High-fives a user! |
::hug | Hug a user virtually on Discord! |
::kill | Virtually attempt to kill a server member with a GIF reaction! |
::kiss | Kiss a user! |
::lick | Lick a user! |
::nom | Try to nom/bite a server member! |
::pat | Pat a server member with wholesome GIF! |
::poke | Poke your Discord friends or strangers! |
::punch | Punch someone on Discord with a GIF reaction! |
::rpstats | Get your roleplay stats for this server. |
::slap | Slap a server member! |
::smug | Show everyone your smug face! |
::tickle | Try to tickle a server member! |
Play a match of Rollout game, with buttons!
Author(s): AAA3A
Command | Description |
::rolloutgame | Play a match of Rollout game. |
Aliases: rollout
::rolloutgameleaderboard | Show RollOutGame leaderboard. |
Aliases: rolloutlb
::setrolloutgame | Group of commands to set RollOutGame. |
::setrolloutgame modalconfig | Set all settings for the cog with a Discord Modal. |
::setrolloutgame prize | Set the prize for Red bank system and cog leaderboard. Default is 5000. |
::setrolloutgame redeconomy | If this option is enabled, the cog will give credits to the user each time the game is won. |
::setrolloutgame resetleaderboard | Reset leaderboard in the guild. |
::setrolloutgame resetsetting | Reset a setting. |
::setrolloutgame showsettings | Show all settings for the cog with defaults and values. |
Gather useful information about servers the bot is in A lot of commands are bot owner only
Author(s): TrustyJAID and Preda
Command | Description |
::avatar | Display a users avatar in chat |
::channeledit | Modify channel options |
::channeledit bitrate | Edit a voice channels bitrate |
::channeledit name | Edit a channels name |
::channeledit nsfw | Set whether or not a channel is NSFW |
::channeledit permissions | Edit channel read permissions for designated role |
::channeledit position | Edit a channels position |
::channeledit sync | Set whether or not to sync permissions with the channels Category |
::channeledit topic | Edit a channels topic |
::channeledit userlimit | Edit a voice channels user limit |
::channelstats | Gets total messages in a specific channel as well as the user who |
::emoji | Post a large size emojis in chat |
::getguild | Display info about servers the bot is on |
::getguilds | Display info about multiple servers |
::getreactions | Gets a list of all reactions from specified message and displays the user ID, |
::getroles | Displays all roles their ID and number of members in order of |
::guildedit | Edit various guild settings |
::guildedit afkchannel | Change the servers AFK voice channel |
::guildedit afktimeout | Change the servers AFK timeout |
::guildedit name | Change the server name |
::guildedit systemchannel | Change the system channel |
::guildedit verificationlevel | Modify the guilds verification level |
::guildemojis | Display all server emojis in a menu that can be scrolled through |
::nummembers | Display number of users on a server |
::pruneroles | Perform various actions on users who haven't spoken in x days |
::pruneroles add | Give roles to users who haven't spoken in x days |
::pruneroles kick | Kick users from the server who have been inactive for x days |
::pruneroles list | List the users who have not talked in x days |
::pruneroles remove | Remove roles from users who haven't spoken in x days |
::serverstats | Gets total messages on the server and displays each channel |
::topic | Sets a specified channels topic |
::topmembers | Lists top members on the server by join date |
::whois | Display servers a user shares with the bot |
A cog to get the shard info and latencies.
Author(s): Unknown
Command | Description |
::shards | |
Aliases: shardinfo
Create custom slash commands.
The TagScript documentation can be found [here](https://phen-cogs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html).
Author(s): PhenoM4n4n and crayyy_zee
Command | Description |
::slashtag | Slash Tag management with TagScript. |
Aliases: st
::slashtag add | Add a slash tag with TagScript. |
::slashtag edit | Edit a slash tag. |
::slashtag edit argument | Edit a single slash tag's argument by name. |
::slashtag edit arguments | Edit a slash tag's arguments. |
::slashtag edit description | Edit a slash tag's description. |
::slashtag edit name | Edit a slash tag's name. |
::slashtag edit tagscript | Edit a slash tag's TagScript. |
::slashtag info | Get info about a slash tag that is stored on this server. |
::slashtag list | View stored slash tags. |
::slashtag message | Add a message command tag with TagScript. |
::slashtag pastebin | Add a slash tag with a Pastebin link. |
::slashtag raw | Get a slash tag's raw content. |
::slashtag remove | Delete a slash tag. |
::slashtag usage | See slash tag usage stats. |
Aliases: stats
::slashtag user | Add a user command tag with TagScript. |
Create automatic reactions when trigger words are typed in chat.
Author(s): FlapJack
Repo: https://github.com/MelonBot-Development/FlapJack-Cogs.git
Command | Description |
::addreact | Add an auto reaction to a word. |
::delallreact | Delete ALL smart reactions in the server. |
::delreact | Delete an auto reaction to a word. |
::listreact | List smart reactions for this server. |
Bulk sniping deleted and edited messages, for moderation purpose!
Author(s): epic guy and AAA3A
Command | Description |
::esnipe | Bulk snipe edited messages. |
::esnipe bulk | Bulk snipe edited messages. |
::esnipe embeds | Bulk snipe edited messages with embeds. |
::esnipe index | Snipe an edited message. |
::esnipe list | List edited messages. |
::esnipe member | Bulk snipe edited messages for the specified member. |
::esnipe membersmentions | Bulk snipe edited messages with members mentions. |
::esnipe mentions | Bulk snipe edited messages with roles/users mentions. |
::esnipe rolesmentions | Bulk snipe edited messages with roles mentions. |
::setsnipe | Commands to configure Snipe. |
::setsnipe ignored | Set if the deleted and edited messages in this guild will be ignored. |
::setsnipe ignoredchannels | Set the channels in which deleted and edited messages will be ignored. |
::setsnipe modalconfig | Set all settings for the cog with a Discord Modal. |
::setsnipe resetsetting | Reset a setting. |
::setsnipe showsettings | Show all settings for the cog with defaults and values. |
::snipe | Bulk snipe deleted messages. |
::snipe bulk | Bulk snipe deleted messages. |
::snipe embeds | Bulk snipe deleted messages with embeds. |
::snipe index | Snipe a deleted message. |
::snipe list | List deleted messages. |
::snipe member | Bulk snipe deleted messages for the specified member. |
::snipe membersmentions | Bulk snipe deleted messages with members mentions. |
::snipe mentions | Bulk snipe deleted messages with roles/users mentions. |
::snipe rolesmentions | Bulk snipe deleted messages with roles mentions. |
Create a starboard to pin those special comments indefinitely
Author(s): TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
::star | Manually star a message |
::starboard | Commands for managing the starboard |
::starboard allowlist | Add/Remove channels/roles from the allowlist |
Aliases: whitelist
::starboard allowlist add | Add a channel to the starboard allowlist |
::starboard allowlist remove | Remove a channel to the starboard allowlist |
::starboard autostar | Toggle whether or not the bot will add the emoji automatically to the starboard message. |
::starboard blocklist | Add/Remove channels/roles from the blocklist |
Aliases: blacklist
::starboard blocklist add | Add a channel to the starboard blocklist |
::starboard blocklist remove | Remove a channel to the starboard blocklist |
::starboard channel | Change the channel that the starboard gets posted to |
::starboard cleanup | Cleanup stored deleted channels or roles in the blocklist/allowlist |
::starboard colour | Change the default colour for a starboard |
::starboard create | Create a starboard on this server |
::starboard emoji | Set the emoji for the starboard |
::starboard info | Display info on starboards setup on the server. |
::starboard remove | Remove a starboard from the server |
::starboard selfstar | Toggle whether or not a user can star their own post |
::starboard threshold | Set the threshold before posting to the starboard |
::starboard toggle | Toggle a starboard on/off |
::unstar | Manually unstar a message |
Stickers utlity commands.
Author(s): Unknown
Command | Description |
::stealsticker | Retrieves the sticker from a referenced message and adds it to server sticker list. |
::stickerinfo | Get info on a Discord sticker! |
Aliases: getsticker
Sticky messages to your channels.
Author(s): Tobotimus
Command | Description |
::sticky | Sticky a message to this channel. |
::sticky existing | Sticky an existing message to this channel. |
::sticky toggleheader | Toggle the header for stickied messages in this channel. |
::unsticky | Remove the sticky message from this channel. |
Per guild, as well as global, suggestion box voting system.
Author(s): saurichable
Command | Description |
::addreason | Add a reason to a rejected suggestion. |
::approve | Approve a suggestion. Reason is optional. |
::reject | Reject a suggestion. Reason is optional. |
::showsuggestion | Show a suggestion. |
::suggest | Suggest something. |
::suggestset | Various Suggestion settings. |
Aliases: suggestion
::suggestset anonymous | Toggle whether server suggestions are anonymous. |
::suggestset approved | Set the channel for approved suggestions. |
::suggestset autodelete | Toggle whether after |
::suggestset channel | Set the channel for suggestions. |
::suggestset delete | Toggle whether suggestions in the original suggestion channel get deleted after being approved/rejected. |
::suggestset downemoji | Set custom reactions emoji instead of ❎. |
::suggestset rejected | Set the channel for rejected suggestions. |
::suggestset same | Set whether to use the same channel for new and finished suggestions. |
::suggestset settings | See current settings. |
::suggestset upemoji | Set custom reactions emoji instead of ✅. |
Get system metrics.
Most commands work on all OSes or omit certian information.See the help for individual commands for detailed limitations.
Author(s): @vexingvexed
Command | Description |
::system | Get information about your system metrics. |
::system all | Get an overview of the current system metrics, similar to |
Aliases: overview, top
::system cpu | Get metrics about the CPU. |
::system disk | Get infomation about disks connected to the system. |
::system mem | Get infomation about memory usage. |
Aliases: memory, ram
::system network | Get network stats. They may have overflowed and reset at some point. |
Aliases: net
::system processes | Get an overview of the status of currently running processes. |
Aliases: proc
::system red | See what resources [botname] is using. |
::system sensors | Get sensor metrics. |
::system uptime | Get the system boot time and how long ago it was. |
Aliases: up
::system users | Get information about logged in users. |
Create and use tags.
The TagScript documentation can be found [here](https://cogs.melonbot.io/tags/).
Author(s): inthedark.org, PhenoM4n4n, sravan, and npc203
Command | Description |
::invoketag | Manually invoke a tag with its name and arguments. |
::tag | Tag management with TagScript. |
Aliases: customcom, cc, alias
::tag add | Add a tag with TagScript. |
::tag alias | Add an alias for a tag. |
::tag append | Add text to a tag's TagScript. |
::tag backup | Backup all the tag data for your server. |
::tag docs | Search the TagScript documentation for a block. |
::tag edit | Edit a tag's TagScript. |
::tag info | Show information about a tag. |
::tag list | View all stored tags on this server. |
::tag pastebin | Add a tag with a Pastebin link. |
::tag raw | Get a tag's raw content. |
::tag remove | Permanently delete a tag. |
::tag restore | Restore all tag data for your server. |
::tag search | Search for tags by name. |
::tag unalias | Remove an alias for a tag. |
::tag usage | See tag usage stats. |
Aliases: stats
::tags | View all tags and aliases. |
Target members and get a list of them based on the passed arguments
Author(s): Neuro Assassin
Repo: https://github.com/MelonBot-Development/Toxic-Cogs.git
Command | Description |
::target | Targets users based on the passed arguments. |
::target help | Returns a menu that has a list of arguments you can pass to |
::target permissions | Returns a list of permissions that can be passed to |
A cog to assign temporary roles to users, expiring after a set duration!
Author(s): AAA3A and Obi-Wan3
Command | Description |
::temproles | Assign TempRoles roles to users, expiring after a set time. |
Aliases: temprole
::temproles addallowedselftemprole | Add an allowed self Temp Role. |
::temproles addjoiningtemprole | Add a joining Temp Role. |
::temproles assign | Assign/Add a TempRole to a member, for a specified duration. |
::temproles autoaddtemprole | Add an auto Temp Role. |
::temproles autotemproles | List the auto Temp Roles. |
::temproles edit | Edit a TempRole for a member, for a specified duration. |
::temproles joiningtemproles | List the joining Temp Roles. |
::temproles list | List active Temp Roles on this server, for optional specified member and/or role. |
::temproles logschannel | Set the logs channel for Temp Roles. |
::temproles mylist | List active Temp Roles for yourself. |
::temproles removeallowedselftemprole | Remove an allowed self Temp Role. |
::temproles removeautoaddtemprole | Remove an auto Temp Role. |
::temproles removejoiningtemprole | Remove a joining Temp Role. |
::temproles selfassign | Assign/Add an allowed self Temp Role to yourself, for a specified duration. |
::temproles selflist | Unassign/Remove an allowed self Temp Role from yourself. |
::temproles selfunassign | Unassign/Remove an allowed self Temp Role from yourself. |
::temproles unassign | Unassign/Remove a TempRole from a member. |
Retrieve timestamps for certain dates.
Author(s): Kreusada
Repo: https://github.com/MelonBot-Development/Kreusada-Cogs.git
Command | Description |
::timestamp | Produce a Discord timestamp. |
Start countdowns that help you keep track of the time passed
Author(s): crayyy_zee
Command | Description |
::timer | Start a timer. |
::timer end | End a timer. |
::timer list | Get a list of all the active timers in this server. |
::timerset | Customize settings for timers. |
Aliases: tset, timersettings
::timerset emoji | Change the emoji used for timers. |
::timerset notifyusers | Toggle whether or not to notify users when a timer ends. |
::timerset showsettings | See the configured settings for timers in your server. |
Aliases: ss, showsetting, show
Gets times across the world...
Author(s): aikaterna and fishyfing
Repo: https://github.com/MelonBot-Development/aikaterna-cogs.git
Command | Description |
::time | Checks the time. |
::time compare | Compare your saved timezone with another user's timezone. |
::time iso | Looks up ISO3166 country codes and gives you a supported timezone. |
::time me | Sets your timezone. |
::time tz | Gets the time in any timezone. |
::time user | Shows the current time for the specified user. |
::time version | Show the cog version. |
Tips - Credit to Jackenmen
Author(s): flare(flare#0001)
Command | Description |
::tips | Toggle and setup tips. |
Mod and Admin tools.
Author(s): aikaterna and sitryk
Repo: https://github.com/MelonBot-Development/aikaterna-cogs.git
Command | Description |
::access | Check channel access |
::access compare | Compare channel access with another user. |
::access text | Check text channel access. |
::access voice | Check voice channel access. |
::banlist | Displays the server's banlist. |
::chinfo | Shows channel information. Defaults to current text channel. |
::cid | Shows the channel id for the current channel. |
::eid | Get an id for an emoji. |
::einfo | Emoji information. |
::inrole | Check members in the role specified. |
::joined | Show when a user joined the guild. |
::listchannel | List the channels of the current server |
Aliases: channellist
::listguilds | List the guilds|servers the bot is in. |
Aliases: listservers, guildlist, serverlist
::newusers | Lists the newest 5 members. |
::perms | Fetch a specific user's permissions. |
::rid | Shows the id of a role. |
::rinfo | Shows role info. |
::rolelist | Displays the server's roles. |
Aliases: listroles
::sid | Show the server id. |
::sinfo | Shows server information. |
::stinfo | Sticker information. |
::uid | Get a member's id from a fuzzy name search. |
::uimages | Shows user image urls. Defaults to author. |
::uinfo | Shows user information. Defaults to author. |
::whatis | What is it? |
Play trivia with friends!
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
::trivia | Start trivia session on the specified category. |
::trivia leaderboard | Leaderboard for trivia. |
Aliases: lboard
::trivia leaderboard global | Global trivia leaderboard. |
::trivia leaderboard server | Leaderboard for this server. |
::trivia list | List available trivia categories. |
::trivia stop | Stop an ongoing trivia session. |
::triviaset | Manage Trivia settings. |
::triviaset botplays | Set whether or not the bot gains points. |
::triviaset maxscore | Set the total points required to win. |
::triviaset override | Allow/disallow trivia lists to override settings. |
::triviaset payout | Set the payout multiplier. |
::triviaset revealanswer | Set whether or not the answer is revealed. |
::triviaset showsettings | Show the current trivia settings. |
::triviaset stopafter | Set how long until trivia stops due to no response. |
::triviaset timelimit | Set the maximum seconds permitted to answer a question. |
::triviaset usespoilers | Set if bot will display the answers in spoilers. |
Race to see who can type the fastest!
Credits to Cats3153.
Author(s): PhenoM4n4n and Kuro
Command | Description |
::typerace | Start a typing race! |
Unbelievaboat Commands.
Author(s): flare(flare#0001)
Command | Description |
::addmoneyrole | Add money to the balance of all users within a role. |
::cooldowns | List your remaining cooldowns.. |
::crime | Commit a crime, more risk but higher payout. |
::deposit | Deposit cash from your wallet to your bank. |
::removemoneyrole | Remove money from the bank balance of all users within a role. |
::rob | Rob another user. |
::roulette | Bet on the roulette wheel. |
::roulette start | Start a game of roulette. |
::rouletteset | Manage settings for roulette. |
::rouletteset payouts | Set payouts for roulette winnings. |
::rouletteset settings | Roulette Settings. |
::rouletteset time | Set the time for roulette wheel to start spinning. |
::rouletteset toggle | Toggle roulette on and off. |
::unbset | Manage various settings for Unbelievaboat. |
Aliases: unb-set
::unbset add-reply | Add a custom reply for working or crime. |
::unbset betting | Set the min or max betting amounts. |
::unbset cooldown | Set the cooldown for the work, crime or rob commands. Minimum cooldown is 30 seconds. |
::unbset default-replies | Whether to use the default replies to work and crime. |
::unbset del-reply | Delete a custom reply. |
::unbset failure-rate | Set the failure rate for crimes and robbing. |
::unbset fine-rate | Set the min or max fine rate for crimes. |
::unbset interest-rate | Set the interest rate if unable to pay a fine from wallet. |
::unbset list-replies | List custom replies. |
::unbset payout | Set the min or max payout for working or crimes. |
::unbset settings | Current unbelievaboat settings. |
::unbset wallet | Wallet Settings. |
::unbset wallet max | Set the max a wallet can have. |
::unbset wallet toggle | Toggle the wallet system. |
::wallet | Wallet commands. |
::wallet balance | Show the user's wallet balance. |
::wallet leaderboard | Print the wallet leaderboard. |
::wallet set | Set a users wallet balance. |
::withdraw | Withdraw cash from your bank to your wallet. |
::work | Work for some cash. |
Voting related commands for [botname]
Author(s): Unknown
Command | Description |
::topgginfo | |
::vote | Get the vote link for the botlists [botname] is in |
Webhook utility commands.
Author(s): PhenoM4n4n
Command | Description |
::webhook | Webhook related commands. |
::webhook clear | Delete all webhooks in this server. |
::webhook create | Creates a webhook in the channel specified with the name specified. |
::webhook edit | Edit a message sent by a webhook. |
::webhook permissions | Show all members in the server that have Manage Webhook permissions. |
Aliases: perms
::webhook say | Sends a message to the channel as a webhook with your avatar and display name. |
::webhook send | Sends a message to the specified webhook using your avatar and display name. |
::webhook session | Initiate a session within this channel sending messages to a specified webhook link. |
::webhook session close | Close an ongoing webhook session in a channel. |
::webhook sudo | Sends a message to the channel as a webhook with the specified member's avatar and display name. |
Welcomes new members and goodbye those who leave to the guild in the default channel rewritten for V3 from https://github.com/irdumbs/Dumb-Cogs/blob/master/welcome/welcome.py
Author(s): irdumb and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
::welcomeset | Sets welcome module settings |
::welcomeset bot | Special welcome for bots |
::welcomeset bot msg | Set the welcome msg for bots. |
::welcomeset bot role | Set the role to put bots in when they join. |
::welcomeset bot test | Test the bot joining message |
::welcomeset embed | Set various embed options |
::welcomeset embed author | Toggle the author field being filled in the embed |
::welcomeset embed colour | Set the embed colour |
::welcomeset embed footer | Set the embed footer |
::welcomeset embed icon | Set the embed icon image |
::welcomeset embed image | Set embed image options |
::welcomeset embed image goodbye | Set the embed image link for goodbyes |
::welcomeset embed image greeting | Set the embed image link for greetings |
::welcomeset embed mention | Toggle mentioning the user when they join |
::welcomeset embed thumbnail | Set the embed thumbnail image |
::welcomeset embed timestamp | Toggle the timestamp in embeds |
::welcomeset embed title | Set the embed title |
::welcomeset embed toggle | Toggle embed messages |
::welcomeset goodbye | Manage goodbye messages |
Aliases: leave
::welcomeset goodbye add | Adds a goodbye message format for the guild to be chosen at random |
::welcomeset goodbye allowedmentions | Determine the bots allowed mentions for welcomes |
::welcomeset goodbye channel | Sets the channel to send the goodbye message |
::welcomeset goodbye del | Removes a goodbye message from the random message list |
::welcomeset goodbye deleteafter | Set the time after which a welcome message is deleted in seconds. |
::welcomeset goodbye deleteprevious | Turns on/off deleting the previous welcome message when a user joins |
::welcomeset goodbye list | Lists the goodbye messages of this guild |
::welcomeset goodbye test | Test the goodbye message deleted after 60 seconds |
::welcomeset goodbye toggle | Turns on/off goodbying users who leave to the guild |
::welcomeset greeting | Manage welcome messages |
Aliases: welcome
::welcomeset greeting add | Adds a welcome message format for the guild to be chosen at random |
::welcomeset greeting allowedmentions | Determine the bots allowed mentions for welcomes |
::welcomeset greeting channel | Sets the channel to send the welcome message |
::welcomeset greeting count | Turns on/off showing how many users join each day. |
::welcomeset greeting del | Removes a welcome message from the random message list |
::welcomeset greeting deleteafter | Set the time after which a welcome message is deleted in seconds. |
::welcomeset greeting deleteprevious | Turns on/off deleting the previous welcome message when a user joins |
::welcomeset greeting filter | Set what to do when a username matches the bots filter. |
::welcomeset greeting grouped | Set whether to group welcome messages |
::welcomeset greeting list | Lists the welcome messages of this guild |
::welcomeset greeting minimumage | Set the minimum number of days a user account must be to show up in the welcome message |
::welcomeset greeting test | Test the welcome message deleted after 60 seconds |
::welcomeset greeting toggle | Turns on/off welcoming new users to the guild |
::welcomeset settings | Show the servers welcome settings |
::welcomeset whisper | Sets whether or not a DM is sent to the new user |
Look up stuff on Wikipedia.
Author(s): PhasecoreX
Command | Description |
::wikipedia | Get information from Wikipedia. |